Delivery is now available.

New China - Mill Creek 3414 132nd St SE #304 Mill Creek, WA 98012
Opens Soon
11:00AM - 9:30PM   View Hours
(425) 338-4696


If you have any questions regarding the Return & Refund Policy, please call the restaurant. Thank you so much!

Wrong Food

If you get food that is different from your order confirmation, we sincerely apologize. Please call the restaurant as soon as you notice that you received the wrong food. 

Missed Food

If you do not receive food that is on your order confirmation, please call the restaurant as soon as you notice any food items missing in your order. 

Return / Cancel

Sorry, no cancellation after order is placed. We cannot cancel, refund or give store credit if you change your mind or mistakenly order an item. For any order adjustment, please contact the restaurant directly.